The plagiarists on Tisarpanth's website published an article on the Qur'an and Islam that were full of falsehoods. We were, of course, compelled to expose and silence them.
Read More »Uncloaking Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s Guru Nanak
A comprehensive historical rebuttal of the Ahmadiyya conspiracy that Guru Nanak was originally a Muslim.
Read More »Paradoxical Theology of Sikhism
Here we prove the contradictory concept of Waheguru's bipolar nature of Nirgun-Sargun to doubting Thomas, Narayan Nurayn.
Read More »Erotic Tales of the Dasam Granth
Authored by the 10th Guru Gobind Singh, the Dasam Granth contains such sexually explicit content that it's impossible to see how it could be approved of God as guidance for mankind.
Read More »Gurus’ Practice of Polygamy
Polygamy among the Sikh Gurus is a hotly debated subject. We argue that evidence certainly exists to say that at least two Gurus, viz. Hargobind and Gobind Singh, practiced polygamy.
Read More »Inauthenticity of the Kartarpuri Bir
If the Kartarpuri Bir was written under the direct supervision of Guru Arjan, then why do "[n]o two primary codices show any conformity", and why is it "full of mistakes" with so many text variants, omissions, additions and deletions?
Read More »Gurus’ Family Feuds
A critical look at the family feuds over the issue of Guruship to determine the truth of the claim that the 10 Gurus were 'perfect teachers', or Satgurus.
Read More »Manmukh, Kafir, and the Infidel
The Gurus too split the world into two basic groups: Gurmukhs (Sikhs) and Manmukhs (disbelievers), with salvation only possible through Sikhism.
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